1.Msg = "We hope you find <APPNAME> useful and that it meets all your needs. When you purchase a license you will receive priority support by email, free minor updates, access to additional clipart, backgrounds and textures and more! Click the BUY link below to purchase today for just <APPPRICE>."
2.Heading = "<APPNAME> is not Free Software."
2.Msg = "<APPNAME> is available for a free 15 days of use trial period. The trial period allows you to fully evaluate <APPNAME> before having to purchase a license. If you find <APPNAME> useful you should purchase a license for just <APPPRICE> below."
4.Heading = "<APPNAME> is not Free Software."
4.Msg = "<APPNAME> is available for a free 15 days of use trial period. The trial period allows you to fully evaluate <APPNAME> before having to purchase a license. If you find <APPNAME> useful you should purchase a license for just <APPPRICE> below."
5.Heading = "Additional Clipart and Backgrounds!"
5.Msg = "Additional clipart, backgrounds and textures are available as a free download to licensed users. Purchase a license below for just <APPPRICE>, then click the link in the Design Wizard or on the graphic selection screen to download."
7.Heading = "Create Templates!"
7.Msg = "Once you purchase a license you can create your own templates for use in the Design Wizard. Click the BUY NOW link below to order your license for just <APPPRICE>. Don't delay, purchase a license today!"
8.Heading = "You are Halfway Through Your Trial Period!"
8.Msg = "Thanks for using the 15 day trial of <APPNAME>. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions don't hesitate to contact us by clicking the link above."
9.Heading = "Order Now While There is Still Time!"
9.Msg = "By now you have probably seen most of the great features included in <APPNAME> so consider purchasing a license for just <APPPRICE> below. If you still need to see more please continue using the trial and, again don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions."
10.Heading = "Only a Few Days Left!"
10.Msg = "Before the end of your trial period be sure to click the link above to visit our website. Look for other products and new versions or fill out our survey to tell us what you think."
11.Heading = "Time is Running Out!"
11.Msg = "Why wait another day? Now is a great time to purchase a license. You can order 24 hours a day, 7 days a week but there is no time like the present! Just click on the order link below to purchase a license to use <APPNAME> forever! Just <APPPRICE> covers it all!"
12.Heading = "The Trial is Coming to an End!"
12.Msg = "After the last day of your trial period you will no longer be able to use <APPNAME>. Click the BUY NOW link below to order your license today! Do it now!"
13.Heading = "Now it's Time for You to Decide."
13.Msg = "Your trial period is almost over. After the trial period is over you will no longer be able to use <APPNAME>. Order now before this happens! For just <APPPRICE> you can own <APPNAME> today! Just click the BUY NOW link below. Don't delay!"
14.Heading = "Don't Miss Out!"
14.Msg = "Your trial period is very close to being over. After the trial period is over your will no longer be able to use <APPNAME>.||||Click the BUY NOW link below to order your license today! Do it now!"
15.Heading = "Order <APPNAME> Now!"
15.Msg = "This is the last day of your trial period. If you do not order now you may not be able to use <APPNAME> again.||||Don't Delay! For just <APPPRICE> you can own <APPNAME> today. Click the BUY NOW link below. "